Bankstown Intensive English Centre

A school of academics and strong welfare for all students

Telephone02 9796 8138

How to enrol

Enrolment interviews

Students who are  17-years-old must have their parents/guardians with them to attend the enrolment interview with the Head Teacher or Second-in-Charge.

Students who are between 18 and 26-years-old can have an enrolment interview on their own with the Head Teacher or Second-in-Charge.

However, parents/guardians are most welcomed to attend the enrolment interview as well, if they wish to be part of it.

We ask that the students and families telephone the school on 02 9796 8138, Monday to Thursday between 8.15am and 3.30pm to make an appointment.


In general, the following documents are required:

1. Enrolment application form

Applications in any language must be answered in English and can be brought in to the office or emailed directly to before the interview date. Please call Bankstown Intensive English Centre to find out what exact documents are needed for the school, if you are unsure.

2. Student passport and/or Immicard and/or e-visa card

3. Health care card

4. Reports from school overseas, if available

Students who have Australian passports can enrol straight away at the Intensive English Centre.

Students who have non-Australian passports need to provide further documentation, as they may be temporary residents. In this case, please read below for further information. Families are asked to telephone our school and get further advice and/or guidance on this issue.

NSW Department of Education enrolment forms

Please note that the official enrolment application forms are in this link below for your convenience. Enrolment application forms can be downloaded in English or in other languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Persian, Spanish, Turkish, Korean, Hindi, Greek, Italian and many more.

The form needs to be filled out by the student and his/her family in English.

It can be given to the student upon enquiring at Bankstown Intensive English Centre before the enrolment interview. Please visit the following NSW Department of Education website for forms here and to print them as well, if you wish to.

Temporary visa or visitor visa

If a student has a temporary visa or visitor's visa, they will first need to apply to enrol by contacting the Temporary Residents Program (TMP) who will give them forms to bring to the school.

Please telephone the TMP on 1300 300 229, Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5pm (Sydney time) for more information.

You can also learn more by visiting the Temporary Residents Program webpage.


Fax: (+61 2) 8293 6928

Special health conditions

It's important that new students tell the Bankstown Intensive English Centre office or the head teacher if they have any special circumstances, allergies, health or medical conditions at the interview before they start classes.