Bankstown Intensive English Centre

A school of academics and strong welfare for all students

Telephone02 9796 8138

Our Intensive English Centre

Bankstown Intensive English Centre (BIEC) is a New South Wales Department of Education, government secondary school. 

We always welcome new students from high school age and post-high school age, that is between 17-years-old and up to 26-years-old anytime and we welcome their families too during the term who live in any part of Sydney. 

Students who have not completed their high school studies in their home country or elsewhere or if they have had a disrupted education in their home country or elsewhere and are in need to develop further their English language levels to study are eligible to enrol. 

Students who enrol at Bankstown Intensive English Centre can be refugee students or students who have had refugee-like experiences or students who are just normal migrants.

The Intensive English Centre (IEC) is situated in the grounds of Bankstown Senior College (BSC) which is a senior high school for Year 10, 11 and 12 and for students from 16-years-old till any age. For more information about BSC, please visit Bankstown Senior College's website.

The Intensive English Centre (and the senior college) operates on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The school does not operate on Fridays.

Classes are from 8:30am-3:30pm. The IEC Office is open though from 8.15am-3.30pm for any telephone or visit enquiries. It is best to call the office to make any important appointments.

Students are advised to arrive at school between 8.00am-8:25am every day so they are not late to their first class. However, late students must go the IEC Office and get a 'late note' to go to their class.

Student dress code

Students at Bankstown Intensive English Centre do not have to wear a school uniform at Bankstown Intensive English Centre and Bankstown Senior College but it is expected that students come to school in appropriate clothing and closed shoes.

The uniform policy is explained to all students at interview level so they know what is accepted and what is not. At interview level also, the Head Teacher or the Second-in-Charge explains the general expectations and rules for all potential/enrolling students.